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CURRENT ISSUE: Vol. IV, No. 4, Holiday
By James D. McCallister Photography by John Wrightenberry Upon entering Drip, the senses are steeped in an array of enticements. The cinnamon-sweet scent of fresh baked scones wafts through the air. The sizzle of the Panini press induces hunger pangs. Then there’s the pervasive grinding of the beans. But most of all, the smell of […]
By William Thrift Photography by John Wrightenberry Before the twentieth century, pearls were very rare. Skin divers, with their bodies greased against the frigid depths, used rocks to help them descend sometimes 100 feet to collect as many oysters as they could carry back to the surface. A ton of oysters may have yielded 3 […]
By William Thrift Photography by John Wrightenberry As a child, Mike Davis got the chance to witness first-hand (in the best venue possible) what it means to use the land and it’s bounty to sustain life – he spent summers working on his grandfather’s farm near Dothan, Alabama. The farm’s cash crops were primarily peanuts […]
By William Thrift Photography by John Wrightenberry When Claussen’s Inn was renovated back in the ‘80’s, some suites for additional businesses were created along the side adjacent to the train tracks. One business to set up shop in the new space was Mr. Friendly’s – purveyor of cookies and sandwiches. In the ‘90’s, a […]
By William Thrift Photography by John Wrightenberry Once upon a time, the section of Main Street from the State Capitol building north toward Elmwood was exactly that – one of, if not the main streets of Columbia. Main Street and some adjacent blocks featured a variety of shops, markets, restaurants, and other businesses frequented by […]